Monday, March 30, 2015

Adolescent Interview

Scott Bruno
New Media New Literacy’s
Week 10 Adolescent Interview assignment
Professor Susan Forbes

My Adolescent interview results are below. The interviewees consisted of a handful of teenage girls from my daughter gymnastics team. Their ages ranged from the ages 13 to 16. All of them were asked the below questions in a group at the same time. I conducted the interview this way in an effort to make sure I was receiving truthful information from them, and nothing hidden. I was amazed how quickly they answered and how they all were on the same page with most of the answers the questions and the answers are below for everyone to review. These questions are questions that I asked other family members and friends. The reason I asked friends and family is I wanted to use questions that parents would ask or want to know. In addition to those I added questions that I have used in the Information Security

After the survey, I put together a brief summary of what I learned about the interview process. Again I was very surprised of the results and how willing the girls where to give the answers to the questions.

General Usage of Technology:

What is your favorite website?

Instagram, Twitter, and swap chat

What do you do on these sites?

Post things such as “selfies” or gymnastics related things.

What websites are your friends into these days?
The same ones that I use

Are you ever contacted by someone online that you don’t


 If yes, what did they want? What did you do? How
did you respond?

They didn’t want much they were mostly other younger gymnasts from other teams trying to get along with our gym and team. I was nice about it, and more than likely did not respond to a question or comment.

Have you ever received a text message from someone that
made you upset?


How did you respond?

How do you keep yourself safe online?

We make sure We don’t give out too much personal info and make sure all of our posts/ messages are private and block people who look scary or stalker-like.

Do you get concerned that people will read what others
have written about you online that is not true but think it's


Do you ever talk to anyone online that isn’t in your school?



Do you ever argue or post hurtful updates on your Instagram,
Facebook, Twitter or other social media site?

No, because we know better than to get involved in something we don’t need to.

Have you ever had to delete a post or comment on your
Page that was written by someone else?


Does cyberbullying happen a lot? Would you feel comfortable
telling me if you were being cyberbullied?

 It does happen a lot and yes I would tell you or another adult right away if something was to pop up.

Do you think your school takes cyberbullying seriously?

Yes, because most schools have multiple assemblies and discussions on cyberbullying

Have you ever had to contact a teacher or someone else at
school because of a cyber-threat? If so, did they do something
about it and did it help?

No I did not need to contact a teacher about a cyberbullying problem

Have rumors ever started about you in school, based on
something said online?


Have you ever blocked somebody online because you felt
harassed? If so, did that make it stop?

Yes, we have blocked an old teammate that we never really got along with and when she left the gym we really wanted nothing to do with her and her nasty attitude towards us and to attack my our friends.

Pictures and Images:

Do you send pictures through text? Do you receive pictures?
If so, from who?

Yes. Friends or teammates. It would just be the homework that I missed at school that day or pictures of the team that was on someone's phone that I wanted the pictures

Are kids in school taking a lot of pictures with their cell
phone cameras? What do they do with them?

Yes, but not bad pictures. It would be just a normal picture at school with friends wearing the same clothes or something similar to that. They just post them.

Do you ever Skype or Facetime with friends?


Do you use Snapchat? Can you explain to me how it

Yes. You basically take a picture, and you can type only a certain about of words and you can add emoji or turn the text to a different color and you send that to a specific person or groups of people and they see it once and it is never to be seen again. Or you can even post it on your story that will last 24 hour and once the time is up it is gone forever.

Do you think pictures are really completely gone?

No, because somewhere deleted pictures go have to be saved whether it be a hacker or something involving the government.

Have you ever had anyone do or say anything inappropriate
on Skype or Snapchat?


Social Networking:

What social networking site do you use most frequently?
How many friends or followers do you have?

 It’s a tie between Instagram and Snap chat. On Instagram, I have 512 followers and on Snapchat I have about 70 friends.    (This was my daughters answer as I did not feel I should post the other kids answers)

What kind of people are you meeting on Instagram and

 I mostly meet people from my school that I don’t talk to in school or other gymnasts from other gyms.

Are you connecting with people that you know?


Or are you meeting people around the world?


Do you get a lot of friends or follow requests from
strangers?  Yes

If so, how are you handling that?

We ignore their request, and if they look scary we block them.

Do you use Twitter? What for? Who do you follow and
who follows you?

Yes. Mostly to look up gymnastics related things and just what people are saying about the latest trends going around. I follow school friends, teammates, and college gymnastics to look up stats about the team. The same people mostly follow back.

Do you know how to use the privacy settings on Instagram,
Facebook and Twitter?


Do you have them set so that only those you accept as
friends can see what you post? How do you know who can
see your information?

Yes.  It clearly states it in the process of changing your account to private.

Do you feel like social networking sites should be used to
vent your frustrations?

No. because that is what starts rumors and cyberbullying

Do your friends vent on social media?

Yes mostly on Twitter.

Do people comment? What do they say?

Yes. They usually comment on a “selfie” saying how pretty that person is and stuff like that.

What kind of videos are you watching on YouTube?
Do you post videos?  Music videos or gymnastics videos.

I post videos of my gymnastics to get colleges to look into me.

Have you ever reported inappropriate videos that you
have seen on YouTube? Or any other website?


Does anyone else know your password or passcode for any
site or social media app? What about for your laptop, or
Cell Phone?

No one but my parents know my passwords to social media apps. Only my parents and very close friends know my password to my cell phone.


I have learned a great deal conducting this survey with the girls and learned a lot from them answering the questions above.

The first thing that stuck in my mind during the interview process was the amount of knowledge the kids had about what was going on in society. The girls were very aware of how to use the basic technology. They knew what it was, and the had a very good idea of how to use it properly and in a safe manner. What I could not figure out are they learning this from each other or are they learning it in schools are just hearing it all the time from their parents.

They were very up to date on cyber bullying. I asked theses questions for a specific reason. That reason was how do you find out if your kid or any of her friends were having issues with being bullied at school or even online. When I asked the questions, they all answered with confidence and not one of them seemed to have any issues with any bullying.

The girls are very knowledgeable about safe Internet practice, and overall knew what to do and why they should.

As a student, this was a fun exercise because we did share a lot of laughs while they girls were answering the questions. Even thought it was fun it was a very important survey in my opinion as a parent. I feel comfortable my daughter and her friends can use the technology available to them and more importantly they are using it safely

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Color in Signs

We learned in various chapters of the book that semiotics is the study of the significance of signs. Now in this chapter we learned about the color in signs. We all have grown up with signs as part of our everyday lives so for us they are the norm. When we are driving in the car, we see a stop sign and we know that we have to stop before we can proceed. What the book brings into this is more than just a the stop sign means stop. What color is the stop sign? It’s red. We know while driving down the same road and approach a busy intersection we have to look for instructions on what we should do when we approach the intersection.  There are no signs at the intersection, but there is a traffic light. Even though, there is no stop sign at the intersection. We know we have to stop before entering the intersection, because the color of the traffic light is red. To all of us red means stop. Does it mean every time we see something red that that mean it has to signal stop? NO,  not all the time. The color red may have other meanings  such as when we see a picture of a person with a red face. Maybe the red is to show he is mad or is hot.

We learned about the historic color scheme with the high levels of saturation to the development of oil-based paints to make paints not bleed into one other. Theses paints were developed in an effort make it easier to mix the primary colors to make more or secondary colors. In modern times, our present  color schemes contain millions of colors or shades of colors in our color wheel. We have color matching today as well. We can take any colored item  to the local paint store and have them match it so we can pain our homes.

 Kress and Van Leeuwen wanted us to take away from the chapter is that there is a history of color and even beyond their history is a semiotic resource that can be continued to be used and combined.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

What is the Medium?

What is the Medium? We found out the medium is much larger than one could have imagined. I watched the video Marshall McLuhan speaks. After watching the video and learning about his roots and then his work, I was intrigued to learn more about him and his work. I was drawn into a couple of the videos on you tube. Then one Marshall McLuhan video in particular that was posted in three parts which was the full lecture of the medium is the message. How much the man knew drew you into the lecture and kept your attention the whole time. When I was done watching all the parts of the lecture, I wanted more. I watched a few more videos until I came across one that really showed how well educated he was and how far ahead of the world he was in knowing where we were going to be 50 years later.

The video that I watched which drew me in and had me repeating parts of the video was the interview he had on the Today Show in 1976. Marshall McLuhan was interview by Tom Brokaw and Edwin Newman. The interview was based on Marshall McLuhan’s opinion of the presidential debate for Ford and Carter broadcasted on TV the night before.  It was interesting to see how he felt the Presidential debates are a waste of time and should only be 15 minutes at the most. He watched the Debate the both color and black and white and was able to tell which medium and which candidate looked better that the viewers and why. Mr. McLuhan impressively was able to go into detail on  the strong points by who they represented in the debate. 

Not many people or things impress me however,  Marshall McLuhan did impress me and made me want to hear more and more  After watching all of the videos, to me Marshall McLuhan  is in  the genius pool with Milton Hershey and Walt Disney.