After watching the video by Raquel Recuero - Digital Youth, Social
Movements, and Democracy in Brazil I found a common theme from other presentations
and readings. The common theme that I have understood about social media blogs is
that anyone at anytime can start a blog. As long as you have access to the
internet whether by a computer or smart phone it is very easy to do. Just because
you start a blog does not mean that it will be followed. There was also a point
that 80% percent of the internet traffic for blogs are for the more popular and
sometimes funded blogs. Some also seem that a blog might be a basic conversation
between a couple of people in reality it is many conversations overlapping each
other at the same time.
Raquel Recuero brought up in her video which has been the same
opinion I have had for many years From being in the Information technology and
security field is the internet has opened up sites like face book to be used as
a tool for cyber bullying and a place where too much personal information is on
the web about people. For example: one child could have postings about themselves
on many sites because their grandparents might post something, then they aunt
might post something and then cousins may post something etc. As you can see
this one person now has personal information on the internet and is all over
the place. Al of this information can be a treasure chest for thieves to break
into homes, cars and even steal a person’s identify.
She also spoke about the problem of blog sites being used for things
like making fun of women because different groups use social media to back
their cause such as the example of sexism. This is a huge problem in Brazil, however,
at the time of the video there was not laws being out into place to fight any
of this. The best advice was to stay off the internet, limit you’re posting of
information on social media sites such as face book and twitter and from experience
form some investigations I was a part of, I agree fully with that advice and practice
it as much as possible.